A unique Positive Parenting Programme
Triple P stands for Positive Parenting Programme. It is an evidence based parenting programme that has helped many parents. It was developed in Australia but has been used and evaluated all around the world.
The Teen Triple is:
Positive parenting
Encouraging appropriate behaviour
Managing problem behaviour
Managing high risk situations
Taking care of yourself
It aims to support parents and help things run more smoothly at home. It helps to reduce difficult or challenging behaviour and also develops positive relationships, attitudes, skills and behaviours. It helps you to understand the way your family works and to use all the things you already think, feel, say and do in new ways to encourage positive behaviour.
Each sesssion lasts two hours.
It is an 8 week programme which includes 4 group meetings, 3 weeks break where you can practise things at home with telephone support from us, and then 1 more group meeting to see how things have gone and to plan for the future.
The groups have around 6-8 parents in them and you are welcome to bring someone along for support or whoever spends a lot of time with your child eg: partner, other parent, friend or other family member.
Session 1 – Positive Parenting
Session 2 – Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour
Session 3 – Managing Problem Behaviour
Session 4 – Managing High Risk Situations
Sessions 5, 6 & 7 – Telephone Sessions
Session 8 – Programme Review and Closure
"Thank you for helping me understand my teenager, I just thought they were being difficult but now I understand more about the teenage brain".
Feedback from Parent