Part of the work and support that we offer our Young People at All Saints is a Young Volunteer's Programme, designed to help them engage with their Youth Centre in a different way, learn and develop new skills, improve their confidence and give some valuable insights into both Volunteering and Youth Work.
Two of our Young People have recently completed their programme, Cassidy and James.

Cassidy said:
"I have enjoyed being a Young Volunteer because I have achieved lots of things to be proud of. I have met new people, like the staff in the office and have been more responsible by noticing that sometimes I need to be more mature. I'm so glad that I got to Volunteer."

The programme involves the Young People completing various tasks and achieving various objectives, recording their progress in a bespoke 'Young Volunteers Handbook' created right here at All Saints.
Young Volunteers help set up sessions, plan and run their own games, take responsibility for registers and monitoring, and they even get to grips with the basic policies important to Youth Work, such as Safeguarding and Confidentiality.

The work books and Young Volunteer programme is open to any of the Young People between the ages of 11 to 16 who attend the Gateway to Inclusion or Drop In Youth Project sessions (or both!)
There is even a specially adapted version of the workbook and programs for our Inclusion + sessions for vulnerable adults.
To find out more, drop us an email or simply KNOCK THE DOOR TO FIND OUT MORE.