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Condover Hall - Residential

During the Easter Spring break the young people of All Saints Youth Project ventured to the enchanting captures of Condover Hall in Shrewsbury.

Whilst a familiar sight for a few, this was a new and encapsulating experience for many of the newest young people and existing cohort. Prior to Covid-19 this trip had always been an incorporated part of the projects programme for many years. However, due to the pandemic we haven't visited since 2019.

Following these few years of tough times for all whom visit our youth project, and its challenges along the way. In addition, to the necessity to impose limitations on provisions, young people still continued to consistently show up, remain engaged and more importantly support one another. They too, have shown great tenancy and positivity, and they just like the staff team remained patient and optimistic, in knowing that one day soon we would return.

Fast forward to 2022, the months began to fly by and as we came ever closer to the Easter period, and easing of Covid restrictions. We were able to come together and swiftly coordinate a residential.

So here's what you missed..

The itinerary was a 3 day away trip to undertaken a range of activities, that aimed to build resilience, team work, problem solving, confidence, improve communication skills, and stretch comfort zones.

To take young people out of the city landscape and embrace a more rural setting, and immerse themselves into the great outdoors and beauty of the countryside.

Activities included:

Ariel Trek Trapeze

Archery Tag Mini Olympics

Gladiator Wall Scavenger Hunt

Rock Climbing Team Challenge


Cortney and Kian our fantastic instructors and Matt Ford - for his outstanding photography and filmmaking skills!

Stay posted for a short film to follow soon.....

Written by Jordan James

23rd May 2022

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